Results for 'Barbara Paula Suplee'

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  1.  13
    Bodily Intra-actions with Biometric Devices.Barbara Jenkins & Paula Gardner - 2016 - Body and Society 22 (1):3-30.
    We investigated the interface between biomedia and humans by inviting participants to interact with biometric devices that measured and visualized their body data. At first, they struggled with the alienating and disembodying nature of the devices and the constrained, reductionist representation of data. Through their bodily interactions with these devices, however, participants reframed the data and inserted their bodies into the process of data collection. Drawing on the ideas of Bergson, Grosz, Merleau-Ponty and Bachelard, we argue that by working with (...)
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    Justifying Coercion.Paula K. Vuckovich & Barbara M. Artinian - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (4):370-380.
    A grounded theory study of psychiatric nurses’ experiences of administering medication to involuntary psychiatric patients revealed a basic social process of justifying coercion. Although the 17 nurses interviewed all reported success at avoiding the use of coercion, each had an individual approach to using the nurse-patient relationship to do this. However, all the nurses used the same process to reconcile themselves to using coercion when it became necessary. This has three stages: assessment of need; negotiation; and justifying and taking coercive (...)
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    Caregivers of persons with a brain tumor: a conceptual model.Paula Sherwood, Barbara Given, Charles Given, Rachel Schiffman, Daniel Murman & Mary Lovely - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (1):43-53.
    Researchers have documented negative physical and emotional consequences for both family caregivers of persons with cancer as well as caregivers of persons with a neurologic disorder. However, there is a unique subset of caregivers who must provide care for someone who may suffer from both a short, terminal trajectory of disease, as well as neurological and neuropsychiatric sequelae — the caregiver of a person with a primary malignant brain tumor. The purpose of this article was to describe a conceptual framework (...)
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    Intangible Assets and Performance in Nonprofit Organizations:A Systematic Literature Review.Ilaria Buonomo, Paula Benevene, Barbara Barbieri & Michela Cortini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  5. Travessias de uma pesquisa: mapeando algumas ferramentas metodológicas da análise do discurso em Michel Foucault. [REVIEW]Garré Bárbara Hees & Henning Paula Corrêa - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (2):300-319.
    O presente trabalho trata-se de uma discussão sobre algumas ferramentas da análise do discurso de Michel Foucault. Tal estudo se deu a partir de uma tese de doutorado que analisou o modo pelo qual a revista Veja coloca em funcionamento e potencializa um dispositivo da Educação Ambiental no século XXI. As análises situam-se a partir das reportagens de capa da revista Veja de 2001 até a atualidade. Evidencia-se uma determinada constituição discursiva de Educação Ambiental na revista, porém esta funciona em (...)
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    [Recensão a] Renaud Barbaras, Le désir et le monde.Paula Galhardo - 2018 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 27 (54):341-345.
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    Skill Acquisition Methods Fostering Physical Literacy in Early-Physical Education (SAMPLE-PE): Rationale and Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in 5–6-Year-Old Children From Deprived Areas of North West England. [REVIEW]James R. Rudd, Matteo Crotti, Katie Fitton-Davies, Laura O’Callaghan, Farid Bardid, Till Utesch, Simon Roberts, Lynne M. Boddy, Colum J. Cronin, Zoe Knowles, Jonathan Foulkes, Paula M. Watson, Caterina Pesce, Chris Button, David Revalds Lubans, Tim Buszard, Barbara Walsh & Lawrence Foweather - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:517171.
    Background There is a need for interdisciplinary research to better understand how pedagogical approaches in primary physical education (PE) can support the linked development of physical, cognitive and affective aspects of physical literacy and physical activity behaviors in young children living in deprived areas. The Skill Acquisition Methods fostering Physical Literacy in Early-Physical Education (SAMPLE-PE) study aims to examine the efficacy of two different pedagogies for PE, underpinned by theories of motor learning, to foster physical literacy. Methods SAMPLE-PE will be (...)
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    CATHARINE M. C. HAINES with HELEN M. STEVENS, International Women in Science: A Biographical Dictionary to 1950. Santa Barbara, Denver and Oxford: ABC-CLIO, 2001. Pp. xix+383. ISBN 1-57607-090-5. 44.95. [REVIEW]Paula Gould - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Science 36 (2):231-233.
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    Barbara Emmel, Paula Resch, and Deborah Tenney (eds.), Argument Revisited; Argument Redefined.Michael David Hazen - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (4):499-502.
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    Barbara Emmel, Paula Resch, and Deborah Tenney (eds.), Argument Revisited; Argument Redefined. [REVIEW]MichaelDavid Hazen - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (4):499-502.
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  11. Can Contractualism Save Us from Aggregation.Barbara H. Fried - 2012 - The Journal of Ethics 16 (1):39-66.
    This paper examines the efforts of contractualists to develop an alternative to aggregation to govern our duty not to harm (duty to rescue) others. I conclude that many of the moral principles articulated in the literature seem to reduce to aggregation by a different name. Those that do not are viable only as long as they are limited to a handful of oddball cases at the margins of social life. If extended to run-of-the-mill conduct that accounts for virtually all unintended (...)
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    Belief and resistance: dynamics of contemporary intellectual controversy.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 1997 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    An extended analysis and account of the psychological/social/cognitive dynamics of intellectual controversy. The immediate focus is the recurrent failure of intellectual engagement, in encounters having to do with with truth, knowledge, language, science, and/or objectivity, between, on the one hand, rationalist-realist-objectivist philosophers and/or those they have instructed and, on the other hand, constructivist-pragmatist ("postmodern") theorists and/or those persuaded by their critiques and/or alternative views. Individual chapters examine critiques and defenses of objectivist-rationalist views in law, politics, literary studies, ethics, communication theory, (...)
  13.  19
    Dictionary of untranslatables: a philosophical lexicon.Barbara Cassin, Steven Rendall & Emily S. Apter (eds.) - 2014 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    A one-of-a-kind reference to the international vocabulary of the humanities This is an encyclopedic dictionary of close to 400 important philosophical, literary, and political terms and concepts that defy easy—or any—translation from one language and culture to another. Drawn from more than a dozen languages, terms such as Dasein (German), pravda (Russian), saudade (Portuguese), and stato (Italian) are thoroughly examined in all their cross-linguistic and cross-cultural complexities. Spanning the classical, medieval, early modern, modern, and contemporary periods, these are terms that (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Issues in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Definite Descriptions in English.Barbara Abbott - 2008 - In Jeanette K. Gundel & Nancy Ann Hedberg (eds.), Reference: interdisciplinary perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 61-72.
  15. Próba historycznego ujęcia działalności paranaukowej.Barbara Pogonowska - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 273 (8).
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  16. Educação ambiental no cotidiano de escolas rurais de Itapetininga: a recuperação de matas ciliares.Barbara Heliodora Soares do Prado - 2004 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 6 (1).
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    Artifact category membership and the intentional-historical theory.Barbara C. Malt & Eric C. Johnson - 1998 - Cognition 66 (1):79-85.
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  18. Gestural communication in olive baboons and domestic dogs.Barbara Smuts - 2002 - In Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen & Gordon M. Burghardt (eds.), The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 301--306.
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    Making Room for a This-Worldly Physicalism.Barbara Gail Montero & Chris Brown - 2018 - Topoi 37 (3):523-532.
    Physicalism is thought to entail that mental properties supervene on microphysical properties, or in other words that all God had to do was to create the fundamental physical properties and the rest came along for free. In this paper, we question the all-god-had-to-do reflex.
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  20. MA poses : a new material feminist art practice.Nané Jordan Barbara Bickel, Ingrid Rose Medwyn McConachy & Cindy Lou Griffith - 2019 - In Boyd White, Anita Sinner & Pauline Sameshima (eds.), Ma: materiality in teaching and learning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
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  21. La Quebrada," A Foreign Journalist Takes the Plunge.Barbara Kastelein - 2019 - In María Bianet Castellanos (ed.), Detours: travel and the ethics of research in the global south. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.
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  22. Vielfältiges Denken : Goethes Elegie "Metamorphose der Pflanzen".Barbara Naumann - 2015 - In André Louis Blum, Nina Zschocke, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Vincent Barras (eds.), Diversität: Geschichte und Aktualität eines Konzepts. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.
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    The Gendered Time Politics of Globalization: Of Shadowlands and Elusive Justice.Barbara Adam - 2002 - Feminist Review 70 (1):3-29.
    This paper seeks to bring a time perspective to the discourses of globalization and development. It first connects prominent recent gender-neutral discourses of globalization with highly gendered analyses of development, bringing together institutional—structural analyses with contextual and experiential data. It places alongside each other ‘First World’ perspectives and analyses of the changing conditions of people in the ‘developing’ world who are at the receiving end of globalized markets, and the international politics of aid. To date, neither of these fields of (...)
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  24. Water =h 2 O.Barbara Abbott - 1999 - Mind 108 (429):145 - 148.
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    Twelve-month-olds disambiguate new words using mutual-exclusivity inferences.Barbara Pomiechowska, Gábor Bródy, Gergely Csibra & Teodora Gliga - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104691.
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    Truth and Justification.Barbara Fultner (ed.) - 2005 - MIT Press.
    Essays by Jurgen Habermas on truth, objectivity, normativity, naturalism, and realism after the linguistic turn.
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    If the body were a cetra, harmony would be his soul.Barbara Botter - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:03024-03024.
    The aim of this text is to investigate if it is possible to attribute to Plato a dualistic conception of human nature, that is, whether the philosopher can be inscribed in the line of thinkers who establish the so-called “Mind-Body Problem”. In various passages of Platonic Dialogues we can see that the body and the soul constitute two different and quite incompatible natures. On the other hand, the relationship between body and soul is constitutive of human being and is unquestionable (...)
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  28. Nuda Makropulos.Barbara Chyrowicz - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 82 (2):533-547.
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  29. Körper.Barbara Reisinger - 2015 - In Matthias Schmidt (ed.), Rücksendungen zu Jacques Derridas "Die Postkarte": ein essayistisches Glossar. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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    Industrial Food for Thought: Timescapes of Risk 1.Barbara Adam - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (2):219-238.
    This paper explores the temporal dimension of risks associated with the production, trade and consumption of food. The paper operates at many levels of substantive and theoretical analysis: it focuses on problems for understanding and action that arise from the invisibility of the hazards, explores the effects of those hazards on consumers and sets out the differences in risks that are faced by farmers, processors, traders and consumers. With its emphasis on that which tends to be disattended in conventional social (...)
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  31. The formal approach to meaning: Formal semantics and its recent developments.Barbara Abbott - unknown
    Like Spanish moss on a live oak tree, the scientific study of meaning in language has expanded in the last 100 years, and continues to expand steadily. In this essay I want to chart some central themes in that expansion, including their histories and their important figures. Our attention will be directed toward what is called 'formal semantics', which is the adaptation to natural language of analytical techniques from logic.[1] The first, background, section of the paper will survey the changing (...)
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  32. Uwagi o pojęciu informacji.Barbara Starosta - 1973 - Studia Semiotyczne 4:95-107.
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  33. Nondescriptionality and natural kind terms.Barbara Abbott - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (3):269 - 291.
    The phrase "natural kind term" has come into the linguistic and philosophical literature in connection with well-known work of Kripke (1972) and Putnam (1970, 1975a). I use that phrase here in the sense it has acquired from those and subseqnent works on related topics. This is not the transparent sense of the phrase. That is, if I am right in what follows there are words for kinds of things existing in nature which are not natural kind terms in the current (...)
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    Strongly Participatory Science and Knowledge Justice in an Environmentally Contested Region.Barbara L. Allen - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (6):947-971.
    This article draws insights from a case study examining unanswered health questions of residents in two polluted towns in an industrial region in southern France. A participatory health study, as conducted by the author, is presented as a way to address undone science by providing the residents with relevant data supporting their illness claims. Local residents were included in the health survey process, from the formulation of the questions to the final data analysis. Through this strongly participatory science process, the (...)
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    Quantification, Pronouns, and VP Anaphora.Barbara Partee & Emmon Bach - 1984 - In Partee Barbara & Bach Emmon (eds.), Truth, Interpretation and Information,. Foris Publications. pp. 99-130.
  36.  13
    Selbsttäuschung und Selbsterkenntnis: Zu Heideggers Transformation der Phänomenologie Husserls.Barbara Merker - 1988 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  37. Ethics and Responsibility in a London Borough.Barbara Goodwin - 1996
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  38. Dwie formy czasu.Barbara Skarga - 1988 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 2 (2):17-28.
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  39. Pozytywizm i utopia.Barbara Skarga - 1964 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 10.
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  40. Cognitive design principles: From cognitive models to computer models.Barbara Tversky, Maneesh Agrawala, Julie Heiser, P. U. Lee, Pat Hanrahan, Doantam Phan, Chris Stolte & M. P. Daniele - 2006 - In L. Magnani (ed.), Model Based Reasoning in Science and Engineering. College Publications.
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    An equational basis for commutative bck-algebras.Barbara Wozniakowska - 1981 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 10 (3):108-111.
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  42. Transforming Images: How Photography Complicates the Picture.Barbara E. Savedoff - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (4):427-428.
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  43. Irrational nativist exuberance.Barbara C. Scholz & Geoffrey K. Pullum - 2006 - In Robert Stainton (ed.), Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 59--80.
  44. Denken im Grenzgebiet: Prozessphilosophische Grundlagen einer Theorie starker Nachhaltigkeit.Barbara Muraca - 2010 - Alber Verlag.
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    Testament for Social Science: An Essay in the Application of Scientific Method to Human Problems.Barbara Wootton - 2016 - Allen & Unwin.
    The contrast between man's amazing ability to manipulate his world and his pitiful incompetence in managing his own affairs is now as commonplace as it is tragic. It is by rigorous devotion to scientific method that we have made our conquests over the material environment; it is obvious that this method is not normally applied to the field of relations of human beings, individual and collective. These are conducted in a quite different way, governed by a medley of primitive impulses (...)
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  46. Genitives: A case study.Barbara H. Partee - 1997 - In J. F. A. K. Van Benthem, Johan van Benthem & Alice G. B. Ter Meulen (eds.), Handbook of Logic and Language. Elsevier. pp. 464--470.
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    Do we need two basic types?Barbara Partee - manuscript
    In a provocative book, Andrew Carstairs- McCarthy argues that the apparently universal distinction in human languages between sentences and noun phrases cannot be assumed to be inevitable for languages with the expressive power of human languages, but needs explaining. His work suggests, but does not explicitly state, that there is also no conceptual necessity for the distinction between basic types e and t, a distinction argued for by Frege and carried into formal semantics through the work of Montague. Pragmatic distinctions (...)
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  48. Feminist Perspectives on the Body.Barbara Brook, Gail Weiss, Honi Fern Haber, Jane Arthurs & Jean Grimshaw - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (2):160-169.
  49. Definiteness and identification in English.Barbara Abbott - manuscript
    Many characterizations of definiteness in natural language have been given. However a number of them converge on a single idea involving uniqueness of applicability of a property. This paper will attempt to do two things. One is to try to unify some of these current views of definiteness, seeing them as drawing out Gricean conversational implicatures of the uniqueness concept, and the other is to try a more articulated approach to dealing with some recalcitrant counterexamples. I will focus primarily, but (...)
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    Thirty years of Time & Society: The challenges for time studies revisited.Barbara Adam - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet éditorial a paru le 30 janvier 2022 à l'occasion du 30e anniversaire de la revue Time & Society. Thirty years ago, as founding editor of Time & Society, l set out the challenges for contributors in the Editorial to the first issue. T&S was launched as an international trans-disciplinary journal, primarily straddling the sciences and humanities. This involved taking great care that all published communications connected with readers outside contributors' own - Brèves.
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